This package will parse and verify a European Digital Covid Certificates (DCC). Certificates in the form of QR-codes are being handed down to all vaccinated, recovered or tested citizens of the European Union.
You can install this package by using your favourite package manager
npm install covid-certificate --save
Webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default.
This is no longer the case. You will need to install and configure the polyfills
yourself if you are using this package in the browser. For example by using the node-polyfill-webpack-plugin
npm install node-polyfill-webpack-plugin
configure webpack.config.js
const NodePolyfillPlugin = require("node-polyfill-webpack-plugin")
module.exports = {
// Other rules...
plugins: [
new NodePolyfillPlugin()
This package can parse and verify the signature of digital covid certificate
To verify a certificate:
import { readCertificate } from "covid-certificate";
const cert = readCertificate("HC1:your_certificate_from_QR_code_scanner");
const verfificationResult = verifySignature(cert);
if (!verfificationResult.isValid()) {
Parsing the certificate will give you access to all the data inside the certificate. Before parsing it is recommended to verify the signature!
import { parse } from "covid-certificate";
const healthCertificate = parse("HC1:certificate_data_from_QR_code");
The HealthCertificate contains the following data
Property | Type | Description |
kid | string | The unique id of the issuer |
alg | string | The algorithm used to sign the certificate |
expirationDate | Date | Expiration date of certificate |
issuedAt | Date | Certificate issued at date |
dateOfBirth | string | Date of birth |
name | string | Name of the person |
vaccinations | array | The vaccinations |
recovered | array | Recovery data |
tests | array | Test data |
version | string | Version |
Following full example will give you a guide on how to use this library.
import { readCertificate, parseCoseCertificate, verifySignature } from "covid-certificate";
const cert = readCertificate(
const verfificationResult = verifySignature(cert);
if (!verfificationResult.isValid()) {
const healthCertificate = parseCoseCertificate(cert)
// Display vaccination information
if (healthCertificate.vaccinations.length > 0) {
will display
"target": "COVID-19",
"vaccineType": "MRNA",
"medicinalProduct": "EU/1/20/1507",
"manufacturer": "ORG-100031184",
"doseNumber": 1,
"totalDoses": 2,
"date": "2021-05-29",
"country": "DE",
"issuer": "Robert Koch-Institut",
Full documentation of the library can be found here
This library is written by Benno Tielen. Contributions are welcome!
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